Carry on Gardening - The easier gardening site
Carry on Gardening - The easier gardening siteCarry on Gardening - The easier gardening siteCarry on Gardening - The easier gardening site
Carry on Gardening - The easier gardening on Gardening - The easier gardening site
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About this site

Gardening is an important part of many people's lives. You don't have to give up gardening because of accident or illness, the onset of disability or the problems associated with growing older. The information in these pages is designed to provide you with the information to Carry on Gardening.

Carry on Gardening was initiated by the horticultural charity Thrive and is funded by the National Lottery Charities Board. It brings together information on easy ways of gardening gathered over 23 years by Thrive and research carried out since the early 1970s by Mary Marlborough Centre, Oxford, on tools and equipment for disabled and older people.

Writers: Alan Bell, Sally Caplehorn, Jeff Gaskell, Richard Jones, Jill McChesney, Lesley Pace, Ros Puddefoot, Alison Ryan, Tim Spurgeon, Ruth Tessler, Jo Valentine, Fred Walden, Malcolm Weare.
Illustrations: Val George, Peter Davis
Tools database: Fred Walden.

© 2003. Copyright of the site is held by Thrive. Copyright of the tools database is held by Fred Walden. Any reproduction or republication for commercial use of any part of website is strictly prohibited. You may use and print extracts from the website, provided that you fully acknowledge that this site is the source of the material. Beyond this, express permission must be obtained from Thrive, registered in England and Wales as the Society for Horticultural Therapy, Charity No: 277570, Company no: 1415700.

Thrive cannot be held liable in any way for the results of any action you take based on material on this website.

This website does not capture and store any personal information about people who access it, except those details voluntarily provided via e-mail.

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Researched and compiled with a grant from the National Lottery Charities Board

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