Carry on Gardening - The easier gardening site
Carry on Gardening - The easier gardening siteCarry on Gardening - The easier gardening siteCarry on Gardening - The easier gardening site
Carry on Gardening - The easier gardening on Gardening - The easier gardening site
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Gardening topics

Gardening topics covers various aspects of gardening. These are listed down the left hand side. They contain hundreds of ideas for easier gardening. If you want to find out about vegetables, for example, simply click on The Vegetable garden and you will be taken to information on vegetable growing.

At the beginning of each section, there is an introduction to the subject. This will give you general pointers to ways of more easily managing that part of the garden. At the bottom of the pages you can click to get much more detailed information on the subject.

Happy clicking.... but before you do, how about finding out some ideas for...

Getting going

There are a number of things that you should keep in mind when preparing to do some gardening. Here are few examples:

  • Plan what you are going to do before you start.
  • Prepare tools and equipment to avoid too many trips to the tool store.
  • Use a bucket, tools belt or barrow - whatever you can manage - to get tools around the garden.
  • Warm up before getting into the garden. Simple bending and stretching exercises will loosen up the muscles, helping to avoid strain while working.
  • On colder days, wait until the air has warmed up before going out if possible.
  • Do a little and have a rest - with a warm or cold drink according to the weather.
  • Stop before you get too tired - don't 'just do that extra little bit'!
  • Put a seat in the right position, inside or out, from where you can admire your work.

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