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The Carry on Gardening website presents Thrive's experience and expertise in gardening with a disability, which has been gathered over 30 years of helping disabled people to start or continue gardening.
This section gives you access to:

Equipment and tool finder - this edits the full list of equipment and tools listed on this website and gives you a tailored list of products that might be particularly useful for you to use in the garden.

Ask Thrive a question - this is our enquiry form which you can use to send us an email. Fill in the form to ensure we have all the information we need to deal with your query quickly and efficiently.

Frequently asked questions - a list of questions and answers to the main queries that we receive about the Carry on Gardening website.

Accessibility statement - information to make our website accessible to users.

If you still can't find the information you need, send us an email, call us on 0118 988 5688, or write to Thrive, The Geoffrey Udall Centre, Beech Hill, Reading, Berkshire, RG7 2AT or visit our website. We'll be pleased to hear from you and happy to help.