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Thrive will help you carry on gardening, whatever your disability

Thrive is a national charity that uses gardening to change lives. We want to help people with a disability or underlying health condition to start or continue gardening.

We have practical information to make garden jobs easier, advice on taking care, useful hints and tips and details of the equipment and tools which will be particularly helpful.

If this is your first visit to our website, go to About this website for a guide to what information you'll find where.

If you can't find the information that you need on gardening with a disability, send us an email or call on 0118 988 5688.

Gardening Changed My Life

"“I am now a firm believer that therapy through gardening is a powerful tool."
Find out more about Ian


"After my stroke I wanted to get back in the garden and do as much as possible. You have to keep trying to do it for yourself."
Find out more about Angela


"I didn't think there was anyway I could garden again with only one functioning hand. Gardening helped me learn to live again."
Find out more about Ian


"Thrive helped inspire us to make changes to our garden and we found the information and advice invaluable"
Find out more about Fred

Forest Garden

Forest Garden
Thrive has a partnership with leading timber manufacturers Forest Garden and has road tested its Accessible Garden range.
View the range here.

How can I carry on gardening?

This section looks at jobs that you might want to do in the garden and gives practical information to make the tasks easier.

Each section is carefully written to help you start or continue gardening with a disability, and gives top tips for each task, advice on how to take care and useful information on the most suitable equipment and tools.

Thrive's top tips for disabled gardeners is a general section with information for all disabled gardeners, and then there are specific sections for gardening: after a stroke and with heart disease; sitting down and from a wheelchair; with sight loss; with a weak grip; with one hand; if you can't bend easily; and for emotional wellbeing.

Equipment and tools to help you

Look at the latest gardening products designed to help make gardening easier and read our general advice on what to look for when choosing and buying new tools.
You can look at equipment and tools by the type of garden job you want to do or by disability, where you will see a selection of products which are easier for people with a specific disability to use.
All the products mentioned are available from good garden centres, from gardening shopping websites, hardware stores or in some cases direct from the manufacturer.

Find out more about equipment and tools to help you.

Thrive News

Reflecting on Chatsworth success
Published - 18/06/2019
Fresh from his success winning a silver gilt medal at RHS Chatsworth for his Thrive Reflective Mind Garden, we caught up with its designer and Thrive Trustee Richard Rogers:
Find out more about Reflecting on Chatsworth success
Thrive to be featured on BBC Lifeline Appeal on Sunday 30th June
Published - 14/06/2019
We are thrilled to share that Thrive is going to be featured in a BBC Lifeline Appeal which will be shown on BBC one on Sunday 30th June, and then again on Wednesday 3rd July.
Find out more about Thrive to be featured on BBC Lifeline Appeal on Sunday 30th June