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Gardening to improve your emotional wellbeing


"...being in the garden gave me a sense of calm that I hadn't felt before. Working in the garden helped me open up and talk about my feelings, difficulties, and hopes of getting better..." Catherine

Have you ever thought that gardening could change the way you feel?

Ask any gardener why they enjoy gardening and time and time again they will say it "makes them feel good".

Our research shows that:

  • gardening can help people through a specific period of difficulty in their lives
  • gardening can help you get back on top of things and restore balance when it feels like your life is veering out of control
  • gardening can help you feel happier, more confident and healthier.

Thrive's leaflet, Gardening: The feel good factor has information and ideas to show how gardening can help.

Download a pdf of Gardening: The feel good factor and find out how gardening can improve your emotional wellbeing.

Alternatively, you can request a printed copy of  Gardening: The feel good factor by email, by calling on 0118 988 5688, or by writing to: Thrive, The Geoffrey Udall Centre, Beech Hill, Reading, Berkshire, RG7 2AT.