Carry on Gardening - The easier gardening site
Carry on Gardening - The easier gardening siteCarry on Gardening - The easier gardening siteCarry on Gardening - The easier gardening site
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Your gift will help change lives

Thrive enables disadvantaged, disabled, young and older people to participate fully in the life of the community through gardening. We need your help to provide the support and gardening equipment to make this happen.

For example:

£10 helps provide information packs for 2 disabled gardeners

£25 helps test new tools for this website

£250 helps pay for the production of a gardening magazine on tape for visually impaired gardeners

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N.B. You must pay an amount of income tax or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax we reclaim on your donations (currently 28p for every £1 you give). Please let us know if your circumstances change so that we can update our records. You can cancel this declaration at any time by notifying Thrive.

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We will not disclose your details to other organisations.

Thank you for donating to Thrive.

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Information about the use of personal data by Thrive is available from the National Office.

Registered Charity No: 277570.

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