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Choose different plants for your garden

  • bulbs naturalized in grass
    Choose plants that suit the conditions in your garden, rather than trying to alter conditions to suit them.
  • Gradually remove any unsuitable plants, which could perhaps be exchanged with a friend for a more suitable specimen.
  • Replace annuals with perennials. In particular, put low maintenance perennials at the back of borders.
  • Choose drought-tolerant plants that enjoy drier conditions and require less watering.
  • Choose ground cover plants to reduce the need for weeding.
  • Replace fast growing hedge species which require regular clipping (e.g. Lawson cypress) with slower growing species such as beech and hornbeam or replace hedges with fences.
  • Replace climbers that require support and tying in with self clinging climbers or grow climbers through shrubs for support.
  • Change from formal bedding schemes of bulbs to naturalising bulbs in grass or growing between shrubs.
  • Choose shrub and ground cover roses rather than hybrid tea and floribunda roses which require regular pruning.
  • Choose low maintenance shrubs which require little or no pruning and select shrubs less prone to pests and disease.