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Gardening activities: Level 2: Taking hardwood cuttings

taking hardwood cuttings

  • helps strengthen grip
  • helps retain hand and eye co-ordination
  • helps maintain standing or sitting balance

You will need:

  • plants
  • secateurs
  • large pot
  • compost
  • watering can, label and pen

choose a stem

Choose a stem that is pencil thickness and at least 30cm long

cut the stem off above a bud

Cut the stem off above a bud. Remove any leaves if necessary

make a flat cut

Make a flat cut at the bottom of the cutting, just below a bud

make a sloping cut

Make a sloping cut at the top of the cutting, above a bud

fill pot with compost

Fill large pot with cuttings compost

Push cutting into compost

Push cutting into compost

water and label

Water and label