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August - sowing radishes

Radishes are one of the easiest vegetables to grow, with quick varieties maturing in as little as 3 weeks during the summer. The best types of radish for container growing are the small, quick-maturing globular varieties.

How to do it
sowing radishes

  • Fill pot or container with loam based compost such as John Innes.
  • Sow radish seed thinly 1cm (1/2in) deep, 4 cm (1 1/2in) apart.
  • Sprinkle compost over the seeds
  • Water with fine spray
  • Position the growing radish in a sunny or semi-shaded position where they get plenty of light. A balcony or patio would do fine, as would a sunny windowsill.
  • Keep soil evenly moist
  • The radishes should germinate within 4-8 days
  • Thin out seedlings to 3 – 5cm (1 -2in) apart if necessary.
  • Radishes will mature within 3-6 weeks

TIP: Different varieties can be grown at different times and can be sown at 3 week intervals between April and September to ensure a steady supply.