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February - sowing parsley indoors

Parsley is an ideal kitchen windowsill herb and can provide fresh leaves virtually all year round. Growing parsley is fairly easy, but seeds are slow to germinate often taking more than 6 weeks to get going. Try using a propagator or keep the whole pot in a clear plastic bag until the seedlings emerge.

growing parsley

How to do it

  • Sow seeds 6mm (1/4 in) deep, 2.5cm (1 in) apart in a 7.5cm (3 in) pot.
  • Keep at 18-20C (64-68F) until after germination. Seeds can take 40 days or more to germinate so be patient.
  • After germination, keep the compost moist but not very wet.
  • When 2.5cm (1in) high, transplant or thin to 1 plant per 7.5cm (3in) pot.
  • Keep watered
  • When well established pick stems regularly to encourage fresh new growth.

TIP: Grow flat and curly leaved varieties and add to soups, stews and salads.