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November - making bird feeders

Making your own bird feeders can be a lifeline for many birds. During the later autumn, winter and cooler beginnings of spring, many birds will take full advantage of hanging or ground fat feeders. Fat is a vital source of energy that will help to keep birds warm in the sub-zero temperatures, helping to see them through the long winter nights.

One type of bird feeder is called a fat feeder. This is literally a wedge of fat mixed in with other energy-rich foods like seed and berries, which can be hung up or put on ground feeders.

How to do it
making bird feeders

Choose what you will use for making the bird feeder, for example a 9in terracotta pot, empty yoghurt pot or small plastic container

  • Place 1 measure of suet in a large microwave safe bowl and warm until melting
  • Place 2 measures of wild bird seed mix (not salted peanuts) in another bowl
  • Make a small hole in the bottom of the pots, through which you can thread some garden twine.
  • Knot the twine at the end and leave enough twine to tie to the tree branch or feeder stand.
  • When the suet is liquid, remove from the microwave carefully. Then stir in the seeds and fresh peanuts or sunflower seeds. The mixture should look quite sticky, as this is what holds the mixture together once it has cooled. Leave it to cool slightly.
  • Once cooled slightly, place the mixture in to your chosen container, whether a terracotta pot, empty yoghurt pot or small plastic container
  • Leave to cool and set completely
  • When it is set, string up the bird feeder to a tree branch or feeder stand

TIP: Place it somewhere it can be seen from inside your house and you can watch all the bird visitors from the warmth of your home.