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Watering the garden

Whatever the prevailing weather, it is useful to try to reduce the amount of water you use. Also, if you have difficulty in getting water around the garden to the plants that need it, reducing the watering requirements in the garden is important.

Here are some tips to achieve this:

  • Use mulches to conserve moisture in the soil and help keep the weeds at bay - they use water too!
  • Choose the correct plants for your soil - especially important on free-draining soils.
  • Position waterbutts and standpipes at convenient places around the garden.
  • Use a lightweight plastic watering can.
  • Only put as much water in the watering can that you can comfortably carry each time - do not overfill.
  • Water in the evening when the heat has gone - you will lose less water through evaporation.
  • Put in permanent 'seep' hoses. These are perforated hoses that are laid in borders and beds and deliver water slowly direct to the soil surface.
  • Use a water timer on your tap. Set it to water your garden before dawn.

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