Carry on Gardening - The easier gardening site
Carry on Gardening - The easier gardening siteCarry on Gardening - The easier gardening siteCarry on Gardening - The easier gardening site
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Vegetable ladder The vegetable garden

Do you want to enjoy the delights of freshly picked vegetables? Read on to find out how to make it all easier:

  • Divide the vegetable garden into smaller plots that are accessible from all sides.
  • Use 'no-dig' methods of growing your vegetables.
  • Raise the vegetable plots for easier access.
  • To clear an area of weeds or grass, cover it with hessian-backed carpet or plastic, weighted down at the sides. After a growing season the area should be clear.
  • Lay old carpets between beds for a more level paths that will suppress weed growth.
  • Grow vegetables in containers - choose smaller varieties.
  • Avoid using F1 hybrids - the seed is more expensive and the vegetables will mature all at once.
  • Talk to your neighbours and friends before ordering seeds and plants. They might want to share the ordering - there are usually more than enough seeds in each packet for more than one person!


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